When do you consider XGS-PON in your network ?
2384 2023-08-26
XGS-PON is a technology that improves the arrival of fiber optics to homes and offices, the latest innovation in PON architecture, which enables FTTH fiber-to-the-home services to effectively reach our homes. After years of hearing about its benefits and advantages, it finally lands in Spain and we are going to explain what its characteristics and advantages are, why it is good news and why it will help us bring the future closer to our daily lives.
The XGSPON standard, combined with the advantages of Wi-Fi 6, allows a great advance in terms of speed, stability and coverage. The connectivity of these networks gives a advantage to households and businesses compared to previous networks, on all thinking about future technologies or present that were underdeveloped due to the lack of networks trained for their application. For example, it allows video calls at the highest quality without interruptions and without image loss, an increasingl
The XGSPON nomenclature is simple, we simply have to solve the different acronyms to find the solution to their meaning. The X refers to the number 10, the G translates as Gigabit, the S corresponds to Symmetrical and PON, as we already know, means say Passive Optical Network (Passive Optical Network in English). That is to say, those acronyms that you may have never heard before, that XGSPON simply refers to an optical network that reaches 10 Gbpsno more no less.
It is a new generation network that allows connections with capacity for 10 symmetric Gigabit, with a maximum upload speed of 9.953 Gbit/s and a maximum download speed of 9.953 Gbit/s.
What advantages does it have
Why are operators using XGSPON in their connections and is it common to see it written in router descriptions today? There are a number of interesting advantages that this new generation implies.
Speed ​​is the hallmark of this network, which surpasses its predecessors thanks to its technology to offer that Symmetrical 10 Gigabit capacity, that is, up and down, while previous technologies were far away.
XGPON, which could be called its sister network or more like it, offers a maximum capacity of 10 Gigabit when it comes to downloading, but falls far behind when it comes to uploading, with a maximum of 2.5 Gigabit. And further still the predecessor network of the two, the GPON, with a download speed of 2.5 Gigabit and upload speed of up to 1.25 Gigabit.